Imperative importance of utilization of the biometric technologies in healthcare system is maintaining patient’s reliability on their medical treatments which basically depend on the medical reports.Clinical document may handle for retrieve rightmedications at right time. Therefore the accuracy and thesafety of the medical reports should be coordinate with the proper identification of each and every patient. As the solution for the critical issues of the healthcare industry is
addressed by biometric systems carrying body sensor details with linking each other including key factors of authentication and authorization processes. This has become the main reason why the evolution of the technology cope up with the most accurate methodologies to improve the accuracy of their systems. This paper reveals approaches of healthcare security utilizing biometrics technologies and their optimal points, how the biometrics have ensure dealings with encryptions, how
importance of process of disease diagnosis enroll with biometric specifications, issues and drawbacks of systems. At the end of the paper it focuses on how the optimal approaches are interrelated with the healthcare security and privacy and also with the effectiveness of proper medications.
Keywords: Biometrics, modalities, physiological, Behavioral, verification, identification
It is very important to have the unique identification methods to manipulate personal details in efficiently and reliably. Health records are valuable personal
documents of every person and providing capability of accessing the reports very quickly and accurately may cause to make quick decisions. But healthcare systems are facing many challenges when transforming processes to establish safe, quality and reliability.Though computer network is playing very important
role to eliminate those multifarious problems by generating electronic health records (EHR) and its utilization contributes immensely, the unreliability and
unauthorized access become the problem. Therefore the security of the system has become the challenge to maintain effectively and for example, the passwords
can be very easily hacked by the person and it will expose to unauthorized access. This will not create the trustful image in patients mind about their reports
which are generated by healthcare organizations. Because patient’s medical reports are very important to maintain patient’s health but incomplete or
misplaced or inaccurate information or disordered with another patient’s record can result in wrong medication as the bad reflection of the disease of the patient is generated by those kind of reports [1]. In addition if the records are handed in person who don’t have the proper authentication to access, the patient’s life may also fall into hazard. The reliability of the reports can be encountered based on the accuracy of the reports and the security of the reports in healthcare. As the result of that most of the patients are suffering from medical identity theft. So that, their medical reports may contain the details which are not related to their
diseases and the validity of the reports may reduce. Sometimes the falsity of the medical reports may cause to generate wrong impression on the patient’s diseases
and it will damage the reliability of healthcare systems. Those issues leads for less effective health care services and it may gain a risk to the life of the patient.
Implementations of the Biometrics technology will resolve all those problems, because biometric identifications cannot be forgotten or stolen and they
are involving Information Technology aspects to manipulate genetic data. What interested me into doing this research on this topic is basically the benefits of
the technology which enhance the protection of human
The word, biometric is derived from the Greek words which hold the meaning of the measurement of the life [2]. Bio means life and the metric implies the
measurements [2]. It is a general term used alternatively to describe as characteristics which can be measure in order to generating automated recognition or as a process which enclose automated recognition methods for identifying individuals by unique feature encountered by biometrics. Nowadays biometrics consult to technologies for measuring and evaluation purposes (such as reliable authentication and authorization) containing deeply intrinsic skills and physiological and anatomical features or something that is compound of the
biological and behavioral characteristics in many economical and health sectors [3].Depending on the circumstances, a biometrics system can be either a kind
of authenticated system or a kind of identification system. Verification or the authenticated systems are comprised with confirming or refusing a holding
identity of a one particular person while in identification, one has to prove his or her identity [4]. Authentication and verification in reliable method has become the vital aspect to almost all the systems in growing world. Manipulating a decisive systems which are practically examined to decide how the specific
person is identified or verified is the challengeable issue of the remaining technologies. According to the new global research from Unisys, Nearly 70% of
consumers’ worldwide support using biometrics technology, such as physiological modalities or behavioral modalities administered by a trusted
organization like bank, healthcare provider or
government organization) for authorize an individual
by unique features [5].
Usage of passwords or Personal Identification Number
(PIN) numbers for conserve individual’s private and
confidential information have become the unsecured
method in most of the industries. Passwords can be
easily forgotten and most of the people share and write
down their passwords or stick on their monitors.
Therefore the passwords and PIN numbers have
become the easily compromised and it allows
unauthorized access to entire network system. Then the
accountability of security is lost. Because of the
instinctive drawbacks of the knowledge based systems,
other identification and verification systems such as
biometrics implementing systems has been raised [1].
The best method for securing healthcare data and
reducing mistakes is become the apprehensive
challenge and more healthcare organizations are tend
to use biometrics in order to increase the security,
privacy and the patient safety and care [1]. Biometrics
is providing it possible for patients and healthcare
professionals to have more secure that their information is
being kept confidential and is only being reviewed to those
who have responsible to retrieve it [1].
Each biometrics has its strength and shortcomings and
the usage of the biometrics are depend on the
application which are applicable with. Some of the
applications are depend on the single source of
biometrics (Unimodel Biometric system) while the
some are depend on the multiple mobility to reach the
desired outcome (Multimodal Biometric Systems)
[6].The connection between the different biometric
modalities and the application is preserved based on the
operational approach of that application and the
possessions of the significant biometric characteristic
A. Bertillon age
Utility of the biometrics are introduced with the use of
Bertillon age in 1890 and it is created by an
anthropologist called Alphonse Bertillon.[4] This
method can be contained in classifying people by
taking varied measurements like arm length of
different fingers, the length of forearms and a person’s
height, weight using calipers [4].
B. Fingerprint Recognition
Finger prints have irregular surfaces of ridges and
valleys that form a person’s exclusive arrangements.
There are various biometric arrangements which can be
identify as the fingerprint biometrics. Local features
(Ridge endings, Ridge bifurcations) and Global
features (Ridge orientation, pattern of ridges).Using
different types of sensors the identifications of those
biometrics may happen. Fingerprint matching can be
perform through main three ways [4].Minutae
matching, Correlation matching, and Ridge feature
matching are those mentioned matching techniques [2].
C. Voice Recognition
Biometrics are performed well with the combination of
the physiological and the behavioral biometric
features. Voice can be considered as such kind of
aspect. Voice physiological tendency of human speech
are unique for a person but the behavioral part of the
speech changes over time due to various factors
including medical treatments, age, and emotional
conditions [2]. Phone based applications in every field
make their trend to use voice recognition though there
are difficulties with the corruption occurs while
capturing voice signals over the communication
D. Face Recognition
Face is concerned as the most commonly used
biometric characteristic used by human to accomplish
the personal recognition. The most approved
approaches to face recognition are based on following
[2].The arrangement and the shape of facial attributes,
and the overall asses of the face image that represent
the combination of canonical faces. There are different
challenges has occur with the utility of the facial
biometrics such as the pose, illumination, expression,
occlusion, time lapse, individual factors. Object
recognition through correlation and the 3D image
mapping are basic methodologies to identifying the
facial biometric recognition patterns by using different
types of algorithms such as peak to side lobe ratio with
accuracy [2].
E. Iris Recognition
Features like rings, freckles and furrows existing in the
colored tissue surrounded the pupil are taken to check
in iris recognition [4].The iris pattern contains a large
amount of randomness, and the generated patterns are
totally different even in identical twins. The Gabor
filter, kind of the signal processing technique has been
found to capture the information from the iris.
F. DNA Recognition
According to the biological experiments the
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is mainly accountable
with one dimensional (1-D) basic and unique cod for
one’s individuality. Currently DNA patterns are
used for forensic applications for person
recognitions. Here are three issues which are caused
to limit the usage if this biometric for other
applications [2]. They can represent as the
corruptions and sensitivity, automatic real-time
recognition issues and Privacy issues [4].
G. Retina Recognition
Recognition pattern of the eye by taking an image of
the back of the eye and verify the existing data with
comparing blood vessels
H. Signature Recognition
The way of the person sign for his her name is
considered as the unique characteristic of that
individual [2]. Signature verification is count by the
characteristics of the way of signature has being kept
[4].Online signature methods are widely used in almost
every industries to maintain privacy of their systems.
As signature can be consider as the biometric feature
which is controlled as the behavioral factor, signatures
can adjust over the period of time due to sensitivity of
individuals and the physiological conditions of the
signatures [2].
I. Keystroke Recognition
This is kind of the behavioral biometric recognition
trait which use the measurements of the typing patterns.
J. Gait Recognition
This is kind of the behavioral biometric which has
sufficient prejudice to applications which consists
lower level security. Widely used for person’s body
movements’ recognition aspects and acquiring of the
required information is similar to facial picture. Those
systems are used the video processing results of
walking person to measure several movements of joints
Any biological or the behavioral characteristics can be
identify as the biometrics as long as it appears the four
main requirements [2].Those requirements can be
categorize as comprehensiveness of the person’s body
which means that every person should have any distinct
features. So that each two persons should have
completely or sufficiently different characteristics,
performance, those identified characteristics should
have enough parallel features in order to match, and
collectability, each characteristics should have
quantitatively measurable values. All the biometric
systems are generated essentially for the purpose of
identifications to enhance the security. Those systems
are imperatively pattern recognition systems that can
compare the set of features acquired from an individual
with template set in the database.
Biometric system may operate either in verification
mode or identification mode is validated by depending
on the containment of the application. In the
verification mode, the system establishes identity of the
individual by analyzing the entered biometric data with
appropriate biometric templates already stores in the
centralized biological databases [2].
In verification mode the system conducts one-to-one
comparison to ensure whether the captured assertion is
correct or not, by using positive recognition which can
prevent the multiple usage for same identity. The
verification scenario has calculated using a complex
calculations while in the identification mode, the
system recognizes an individual by searching the
templates of all the users in the database for matching
purpose. [2]
Identification is a demanding component in negative
recognition applications. Passwords, PINs, keys, and
tokens may work for positive recognition while
negative recognition can also be established through
biometrics [2].In the system where biometric
authentication have used should be appropriate
enrollment stage to capture all the biometrics from
individuals. Sensors microphones cameras are highly
recommended for this purpose and those details are
make use for matching purpose [7].As the following
figure 1 is depicted the person should enroll into the
system first and then the requirement for verifying and
identification has raised.
Figure 1. Block diagrams of biometric recognition scenario [2].
With the evolution of the technology, the utilization of
electronic healthcare security systems are rapidly
increased. Therefore, biometric based person’s
authentication systems are also introduced to the world
with the features of reliability and high security level.
Biometric Systems can be categorize according to the
sources that there may have used to perform functions
called unimodel biometric Systems and multimodal
systems. Biometric systems based on single source of
biometrics arrangement of behavioral characteristics
are called unimodel systems. Some unimodel systems
attach to considerable improvement in accuracy and
the reliability, though they often experienced with
enrollment problems, due to non-universal biometrics
traits caused by noisy data [6].
Biometrics technology is a kind of automated
appliances with secure identification and verification
methods. digital data representations allow every
software to deal with the included data formats,
Therefore gathering raw data of biometric
characteristics should be properly handle by software
which help to store them in databases. [7] Then the
stored details should be matched with living templates
and then user friendly interfaces will present the results
of that communication. This medical documents will
offer only details that the receiver ask from the system
like the name ,address blood type history the patient’s
health [8].
It should be indicate that the system which operated
through biometrics templates analytical methods have
produce clear and easy access for required person’s
details. The need of the person who expertize to
operating privacy details are not be important as the
systems have become automatically generated through
Multimodal biometric System is combination of two or
more different biometric sources of an individual (like
face and voice) which are sensed by different sensors
will improve the accessibility through the biometric
field into accurate and reliable measuring methods.
Two different properties of same biometrics can be
combined such as infrared and reflector light of the
same biometric source, 3D shape and reflected light
[6]. When considering the orthogonal biometrics, the
processing happen in independently though it has at
least the possibility for perform through collaborative
processing. Therefore the collaborative multimodal
biometrics are influenced by the action of the other
biometrics [6].
Biometrics associating with information technology
play very important performances in healthcare
management systems not only for security and privacy
purposes but also for the diseases diagnosing purposes.
In bioterrorism and social healthcare activities such as
revealing epidemic diseases and regulating mortality
and morbidity rates by combining with curative
medical facilities [1]. Genetic data can be acquire for
assist to store and transit involving biometrics and
genetic data is set up by using gene chips. Decision
support systems may use data mining techniques to
gather data from warehouses and it will applicable to
generate the clinical decisions [1]. Biometric utility for
security and the disease diagnosing will provide high
level of privacy for the patient reports. Most widely
used biometric aspect is hand scan specially the height
and the width of the back of the hand. In order to
describe measured metrics the converts are used to
convert into digital forms.
Biometrics technology enrolls a person into a system
by scanning and obtaining the traits of the individual’s
characteristics which is then stored as the template in
the system’s centralized database. Then each gathered
scanning results of every characteristics of the
individual will induce the system to extract specific
elements and generate a matched results to the person’s
unique templates in order to make ability to accessing
authority into the system [11]. Hence the linking
between biometric and electronic health records allow
the health organization to facilitate more reliable and
efficient healthcare services. There is no point that
biometrics has significant potential in healthcare, in
facilitating reductions and enhancing information
security, increasing the quality, improving
The key social issue of biometric is keeping link
between biometric elements and information. There
should be network of information to measure the
tightness of link between biometric based systems. [9]
The process of retrieving individual’s data should be
very fast and accurately maintained. The authorized
person should be able to access quickly for emergency
medical services. So that, the procedure for storing
medical data and other biometric data of other
professionals who are responsible for particular records
and all registered and non-registered patients may
A. Implementation into security
Biometric technology which is upgrade high security
power providing the ability of proper identification to
every healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses
and as well as patients is important while involving
basic healthcare procedures. But there are some health
sectors which have less concern about the patient
health care. Therefore the reliability on that fields in
patient’s mind is very difficult to inculcate. Majority of
healthcare industries suffer from the security issues.
Nowadays more and more mistakes are happen in
healthcare industry such as replacing medical records
with wrong details, mixing up patient’s records and
recommending wrong medications. Therefore
reliability of traditional record systems in healthcare
industry has decreased day by day. Role based
authentication controls (RBAC) can be introduced as
the kind of one solution for eliminating these issues. So
that, security issues in healthcare industry is reduced
while dealing with electronic system called Electronic
health record systems [10].
EHR (Electronic Health Record) and EMR (Electronic
Medical Records) which consists with large number of
pages including each and every details corresponding
to one particular patient, should properly managed
within sequence of procedures. Converting paper
records to electronic records assist high security
reliability. As that EHR with proper authentication
system obviously provide solutions for security
problems in healthcare industry [10]. Consequently,
that each and every EHR includes information on
treating received, medical history of the patient and
his/her family details, details of life cycle and medical
prescribed and other healthcare related details.
Maintaining these records will provide easiness of
accessing only for required details at any time. Other
than that EHR must allow to know about the person
who accessed which patient record including the
updates that they have done [10].
Most of the healthcare organizations tend to use
password security system to acquire high security of
the EHR of each and every patients. According to the
regulations published by USA government patients are
assured. HIPPA (Health Information and Portability
Accountability Act) is a kind of the popular regulation
which emphasize the accessibility of the patient and
getting authorization for another person to access the
same record details. It says that if another person
require ability of analyzing patient’s records, they
should gain specific authentication from that patient.
Since more than one individuals try to access into same
EHR in same system, each and every accessibility
should complete with the high reliability
authentication. Therefore the usage of tablet PCs for
handling EHR has raised the problem though it
facilitate easiness of accessibility and ability of access
through wireless access points in hospitals. With the
implementation of biometric authentication healthcare
industry desire to enhance their security and privacy of
their systems using biometrics.
When compare to the conventional token based or
password based systems, biometric based system
provide higher level of security [12]. Unimodel
biometrics such as finger print, palm, voice face are
widely used while multimodal biometrics are
introduced in order to reduce the limitations of
unimodel biometrics. For an example structures which
are based on fingerprint and signature modality access
can be less reliable than the systems which authenticate
via results of integrating more than one modalities such
as voice and signature. Digitizing of the medical
records take massive risk on behavior of them. It is
becoming vital requirement of providing facilities of
physicians to ensure that the systems are free of
unauthorized access and corruptions. Because the
patient record can identify as the intermediate between
life and death of the patient. And the transition through
network while they handle reports and other details by
electronic resources become challengeable scenario in
health sector. Since that the deduction of vulnerabilities
and increasing accuracy play important roles in
healthcare industry. As the result of these facts, most of
the authorizations which belongs to the health sector
rapidly turn into the biometric specified systems.
Every patients should be rely on the entered details of
their records considering that they have no any
corruptions and only need to have accurate, complete,
and current and with full of privacy data. Not only has
that it assisted that right details are receiving only by
relevant people. To improve the trust in people,
massive number of data integrity strategies are
maintained by healthcare industry concerning about
patient identification and medical data accuracy. The
completeness of the current data handle through
keeping all real time data up to the date across the
network. Then the data integrity combining with data
confidentiality will reduce risk of being inaccurate
consulted though incorrect medical records. Therefore
in modern health sector have recognized that the best
solution for all suffering problems in providing
effective treatment is utility of biometric technologies.
Both the patient and the health professionals’ security
can count by biometric systems [7]. Most widely used
biometric aspects can be listed as fingerprint, face,
voice, and signature.
Biometrics can be recognize as the more efficient
technique if it response rapidly that the other traditional
methods. As most of the industry begin handling their
records and also their staff details electronically, the
need of electronically controlled has become vital
requirement. Fingerprint recognition has used wide
area of each industry including health sector to assure
and establish the privacy. Compare to the other body
features skin of the finger perform specific role when
considering about encrypted purpose. It consists with
unique ability of identification of person. Especially
fingerprint corporate with singularity and confidential
details are increased through it and it can be used to
generate keys for cryptosystems [9]. Therefore
fingerprint is having huge impact toward the healthcare
activities. Multispectral fingerprint which is explaining
under biometric technology has ability of analyzing
beneath of the skin of the fingers. [7] By invention of
the multispectral sensors, the difficulties which has
raised due to continuous hand washing and the heavy
usage of chemicals and medical components in
healthcare industry has vanished [7].
Voice is one of the physiological biometrics that are
used for make proper authorization and authentication
purposes in healthcare industry. The identification and
voice verification should comparatively be important
to handle to have effective results.[12] Identification
check whether the speaker is the right person out of the
existing templates while verification assure whether
the given voice template is matched with the already
stored data belongs to that same identity [12].
Online signature verifications also widely used
biometric element in healthcare services where mostly
have spread over the world. Face Detection and
verification processes are handle by well-defined
algorithms such as Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) [13]. Authentication process has controlled by
matching entered face template with existing template
in databases. Biometric feature in faces have play vital
and accurate role in the healthcare industry to ensure
privacy of the patients and the staff.
Every person’s iris structure is measurably has unique
features and that is because some application where
there should be high accuracy iris recognition patterns
have used [6]. Iris vascular scanning combining with
image processing on them verification can be
performed. Another biometric that should be taken into
the consideration is retina pattern recognition [14]. But
those complex biometrics have less implementations in
current healthcare industry as there may have lots of
processing power and the need of expert’s experiences
especially for generating spectrum and algorithms.
Hence that primarily used biometric features such as
fingerprint, face, signature, voice which can be used
without lots of efforts are widely used in healthcare
industry [14].
Biometrics can be categorized as the static biometrics
and dynamic biometrics and the characteristics of static
biometrics have widely used in current application
while the dynamic biometrics are newly introduced.
Static traits are designed to restrict access into secured
systems as they can be easily implement.
B. implementation into disease diagnosis
Three dimensional ultra sound imaging is widely used
to interpret the qualitative features in clinical
applications in health sector [15]. It will help to get
quick decisions on accurate data. 3D analysis
techniques produce more reflective details on clinical
reports than the produced information from 2D
analyzing methods. 3D perspective may increase the
ability of diagnosing and treatment recommendations.
Imaging all the tissues in body using 3D scanning
clearly provide interpretations over any hidden
diseases. Therefore biometric can be consider as the
root of the disease diagnosis process [10]. Then the
efficiency of giving medical treatment will be
progressively increased. Compromising medical
reports with biometrics will resolve many medical
issues at the same time by changing structure and the
perspective of identified elements regards to biometrics
Thyroid is the one of the largest gland in human body
which decide lot of sensitive processes controlling how
effectively body burn energy and reproducing protein.
[16].Thyroid tissues which indicate through 2D
dimensional view comprise with discriminant features.
Therefore thyroid gland has used as the biometric
system which help to achieve medical diagnosis and
individual identification combining with image
processing and analyzing methods. Those systems has
controlled by derived calculations from different
algorithms [16]. Most of the disease diagnosis patterns
can be revealed by utilizing biometric systems as there
is less rate of retrieving wrong details when compare to
the other systems.
Addition to the conventional biometric traits, novel
traits called dynamic biometrics have introduced in the
healthcare industry such as heart rate variability
(HRV), interpulse interval (IPI), electrocardiogram
(ECG) have used to achieve the necessity of the
confidential patient information maintenance and
disease identification by separating individuals[9].
The usability of biometrics into security system consist
with not only the benefits of improving security but
also enhance capability of using such systems without
implementing huge number of professionals. It will
help to recover the problems which are generated from
utility of passwords and card systems. State of any
country face the massive problems because of
healthcare frauds and have to spend more money to
prevent them in order to increase the quality of their
health services. The usage of biometric cause to get rid
of that kind of unnecessary expenses and to increase
patient’s privacy and protection [7].With the evolution
of the biometric mythologies most widely used
traditional security systems have replaced. As that. Use
of pockets and wallets will reduced by making chances
to prove their identity by biometrics. People will do it
via fingerprint, face and voice command or eye ball
scanning. Then the life will become easy. With
biometric accessing methods, person can log into the
system quickly and retrieve most accurate details. Then
the patient can consult as soon as possible and the
whole system will be effective without wasting
valuable time of each and every patients and healthcare
professionals [7].
The process of biometric system will gain more
accuracy as well as more risks also, while adopting
those processes in health services than the other sectors
[17].Because of some information in healthcare sector
are very sensitive such as cases of public health and the
disease diagnosis scenarios for rare diseases [17].
Therefore the accessibility should be encrypted and
established with well-defined rules and procedure [18].
It will make sure about the protection of patient’s
records and the safe of the health information. The
improper usage of patient’s biometric data will occur
badly as there are unauthorized methods are available
in computer network systems. The risk behind this
scenario will affect the accuracy and the reliability of
the health records.
Not only that there is not properly handled procedure
have introduced to maintain the people who losing their
fingers or who have damaged body characteristics.
Therefore the reliability and the accuracy cannot be
ensure each and every time. So the issues in the
biometric technologies can be raised within these kind
of circumstances. Though the most activities made
easier and accurate still the biometric applications
have to concern about law enforcements such as
financial, politics rights and lot of online tasks [19].
As the positive responses of new biometrics can
continuously improve privacy and productivity, in
terms of respect for people mental and physical
integrity and intimacy and negatively biometrics can
affect by increasing complexity of the systems
especially with dynamic biometric traits [20].
Technological inventions play major role in any
growing industry. Conventional methods are replaced
by newly generated innovative and technical systems.
Biometrics illustrate the highly secured and accurate
interpretations in order to increase the quality of the
living conditions. So that each and every industry have
released their authentication purposes through
biometric performances. Safety of life has become
challengeable aspect to handle in the world indicating
that how hard to maintain security and privacy of the
patient’s health records. Medical record identification
can be important in many dimensions. Though there
may have distinct methods that can be used to address
the safety of those records, the implementing biometric
specifications appear as the best. Static and dynamic
biometric elements have involving recognition and
identification process while verifying the existing
details in central biological databases with currently
entered details. Utility of biometrics has used for the
purpose of establishing security and the confidentiality
and accuracy of patient’s records and capability of
disease diagnosis with quick treatment decisions.
These kind of systems ensure preventions of identity
theft, inaccurate and useless expenses and liabilities.
The problem that are generated through duplication of
health details will eliminate the right medications. So
that utility of biometrics can identify the patients with
same name and same documented details as individuals
using unique biometric features. Then it is not become
the difficult practice of delivering right care to right
With lot of advantages there are some drawbacks
included in biometric technology. Acceptance of legal
regulations, complexity, the need of knowledge, less
adoptability as having high capital expenditure.
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